I know that we are already well into December, but as I sit here next to my little girl who is currently taking a nap in some reindeer pajamas, i realize that it wasn't really until yesterday that it felt like Christmas time to me. It could be the smell of the cold weather, bundling up in blankets at night, or looking at my little Christmas tree in our living room, but
really I think it was a combination of listening to the soundtrack to "A Charlie Brown Christmas," watching the "Garfield Christmas Special" on tv, and taking funny pictures of Elizabeth with a Christmas bear that really did it for me.
All that to say, I'm way excited that it feels like the Holidays, and I'm even more excited for Elizabeth to experience it all for the first time. Oh, and for those of you who I haven't already excitedly bragged to, Elizabeth is starting to try to crawl now! It's so exciting! I can't wait for everyone to see her. Now, granted, she can only go backwards, BUT she's getting SO close! It's wonderful!
Well, I can't wait to see everyone in Texas! I'll be home soon! For now, enjoy the fun Christmas pictures!

Love to you all!
So precious!
Miss you, dear friend.
these pictures are SO cute. I love Christmas pictures!
I can't wait to see you all!! Love you!
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