Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Six Months Old

Now that Elizabeth is officially 6 months old, it's time for some updates!

January was awesome for Elizabeth. She got to play at her first park with her Uncle Brian. She got to see her first snow (even though she wasn't particularly impressed with it), and she even got to play the piano for the first time.
I'm also proud to say that Elizabeth can now:
- eat solid food (one new one per week)
- sit up and play on her own
- crawl a few inches before losing strength
- say "dada" (even though she doesn't really say it to anyone in particular)
- make "raspberries" with her tongue
- roll all over the place

It's so exciting! The month of January brought SO many changes in Elizabeth, we have just been blown away. We're such proud parents! :) Here are some fun pics of our little EJ being adorable.

Eating solid food for the first time.

In the baby swing with Uncle Brian

Trying to crawl!

Playing in the snow

Playing with Daddy

Other Updates
Stephen: He is really enjoying this semester because not only does he think he's found the lab he wants to work in, but he is also teaching for the first time. It's really cool. Pray that he can stay in this lab that he likes.

Jen: First of all, I'm getting really excited that I'm less than a month from my next visit to Texas. Woot! In other news. For those of you who haven't heard, I'm on the job hunt, and it is NOT an easy task. Please pray that the Lord will bring a job that will allow me to spend time with Elizabeth and make enough money for us to make ends meet. I know the job is out there, but I just haven't found it yet!

Church: Stephen and I have joined Grace Church of Chapel Hill, and we are loving it! We can't wait to get involved in a small group and start giving back! It's a great place!

Well, that's us! We miss everyone, but we're doing great! Keep praying for us!

Love to you all!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Just thought I'd share what Stephen, Elizabeth, and I got to wake up to this morning! YAY!

In other news, pray for me because today I begin the arduous process of finding some sort of job for myself for next school year. Tough work, but it must be done! Pray that the Lord brings me the right job that will work out for us financially and for Elizabeth, especially!

Love to you all!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Well, Elizabeth and I are finally home, and excited to be with Stephen. We had a blast in Texas, and now it's time to begin a new semester. With this new semester comes a lot of things to do.

Here are a few things on my list of "to dos:"
1. Unpack and clean (even though Stephen was wonderful about keeping the apt clean while I was gone, Elizabeth and I already helped dirty it up again)
2. Get signed up for physical therapy (my back is messed up again)
3. Reorganize our pictures from the Christmas trip
4. Start job-hunting
5. Get re-certified from Texas to North Carolina

The hardest part is getting started. I think that part of my problem is that I'm still exhausted from traveling and trying to get Elizabeth back on a normal sleeping schedule. I think it's also the fact that it all seems so daunting. Oh well, I know I've got to do it, so I'll get my butt in gear before long.

I will also be blogging more since I now have my computer back. So, keep checking here for more Bush family updates and cute pics of Elizabeth.

Speaking of which, here are some fun ones from our time in Texas. Stephen calls these, "the many faces of Elizabeth." Enjoy!
More to come! Love to you all!