Well, Elizabeth and I are finally back from our big trip to Dallas, and it was wonderful! Everyone was so great to hang out with. I had been missing everyone so badly. It was good for me to be near wonderful people, and it was good for Stephen to have some time to himself to work on stuff.
Anyway, we took a million pics of Elizabeth, so here are a few. There will be more on my facebook later. By the way, the pics are in no particular order, and I'm sorry I don't have pics of Elizabeth with everyone that I visited. (I didn't have my camera with me)
Love to you all!

Elizabeth with her Grandpa Bush

Elizabeth with Loren

Elizabeth doesn't mind baths now.

Elizabeth with her Great Aunt Suzie

Elizabeth with her Gramma Bush

Elizabeth is starting to smile now!

Elizabeth with her Great Gramma (great face)

Elizabeth with Cousin Sam and her great Uncle Steve

Elizabeth with her Uncle Brian

Here's Elizabeth with Gran, Grandad, and cousin Emilee

Here are a couple of Elizabeth with her DeeDee

Here's Elizabeth with her Pops

Elizabeth with her Great Mema
love all the pictures... i had so much fun being auntie jen :) love you girl and miss you already!
She is beautiful!! I cant wait to meet her...and just fyi I am claiming some quality Elizabeth time over Christmas : )
And some Jen and Stephen time too!
Love you guys!
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