Elizabeth is now officially 2 months old, and we're both hanging out on the couch watching football, so I thought I'd take this short moment of free time to give everyone a quick update on life.
For those of you who want to know, here's what's up:
School Stuff: Stephen has now finished his first quarter of doctoral classes, and has jumped right into the next. He's still not sure what he thinks about the quality of his professors' teaching skills, but he is very excited about all that he is learning. It's really exciting for him to be challenged in a new field, but also get to use the skills he already has.
Visits: After an awesome time in Dallas and, then, a day trip to see Sarah for her birthday, Elizabeth and I will be taking a break from traveling. However, we're really excited because we just found out that our close Baylor friends will be coming to visit us in October! Kristen is coming from New York in a few weeks, and Brian, Stephen, and Kelly will be visiting over Halloween. (I guess you could say that it will be a "scream!" hehe). For those of you in Dallas, we Bushes will all be coming again over Christmas break, and we are PUMPED!
Church Hunt: Elizabeth is finally old enough to give us the chance to start visiting churches again, and this morning we re-visited a church that we tried before Elizabeth showed up. It's a great church, and although we missed some of the service (because of Elizabeth), we had a wonderful morning. We think we will end up there, but just to make sure, we will visit around a couple more, first.
Elizabeth: Wow, talk about progress. Elizabeth is constantly surprising us with all that she is learning to do. She can smile for real now, and for the most part, she's sleeping through the night. She is also beginning to be entertained by her toys. (Her attention span, however, is still lacking.) She has grown out of her newborn sleepers, and she is finally starting to fit all of the cute clothes that we got at the baby showers. It's like having a little doll that I get to dress up every day. It's great, and we're having fun! Oh, and now that I've put up the last picture frame, her room is FINALLY decorated. I'll take pics and post them soon.
Health: I finally bit the bullet and joined a gym to start losing my baby weight. Wish me luck; I have a LOT to lose, but I think I can because I've committed my time AND money.
I guess that's it for now. Keep us in your prayers. We have a lot going on this fall, and we'd still like to make more friends. God is good, though, and we know we're in His hands.
Love to you all!