Cecily: She's in her 4th month, now, and I can't believe how much she's grown already. She can roll over (although, when she does, it still surprises her), and we just started her on solid food. She's not a fan, though. Ha! She's a sweet baby, and I'm so blessed to have her. My only dilemma, now, is that I kind of let the both of us get into a bad habit. When Elizabeth was Cecily's age, I had her sleeping in her crib. Well, Cecily has been a different story. Because of several different issues that I won't bore anyone with, Cecily naps in her baby swing and sleeps in a "position-er" called the "Nap-Nanny." Yup, she's not sleeping in her crib yet, and I'm dreading the day she gets too big for these contraptions, and I finally have to transition her to her bed. Ugh! Oh well, it will happen one day soon!
Elizabeth: I guess the biggest update for Elizabeth is that I am currently on the hunt for a good dance school to get her involved in. She is so nuts for dancing that I really want to give her a chance to learn, but it hasn't been the easiest process. I'm struggling with finding a place that will be good for her personality (and our wallets). I feel like every place I investigate is almost good but not quite. Sigh, I've just got to keep looking.
Stephen: He leaves for his big science conference tomorrow morning, and it will be the first one that he gets to speak at. I'm really proud of him, and I know he'll do great! I'm bummed, though, because he'll be gone for a week! :( Luckily, my parents will be here for part of that time to help me keep my mind off how badly I miss him.

Jen: Well, I guess my two new updates are that #1 I'm working out again. I joined a gym that has daycare, so I can take the girls and get some good exercising in while they play. Elizabeth really likes it, and today when I went to pick her up, she asked me to go exercise more so she could play longer. Ha! #2 I decided that I need a new hobby that is something that just I can do and enjoy. I used to scrapbook, but two children and a crazy schedule is not conducive to a hobby like that, so I have picked up a hobby I haven't done since middle school: cross-stitching. I used to LOVE it, so I'm going to try it again. I'm really excited to have a chance to do something creative and relaxing just for myself. Stephen has been sweet and supportive of my need to be creative, so he hung out with the girls one night so that I could go to Michael's and get all of the supplies I need. He's the best, and I'm pumped to start something new.

Well, I guess that the Bushes for now. Love to you all!
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