Sunday, November 30, 2008

Feeling Domestic

I have to take a moment to brag because I'm really excited! After three years of planning to and never following through, I have finally completed my ZTA t-shirt quilt! I'm SO excited and proud of myself! I feel very domestic now! Anyway, I had so many shirts that I had to make my quilt 2-sided. So here it is! YAY! (p.s. it's very soft!)

More to come!

Love to you all!


Krysta said...

yay! it looks great!!! i still have all of the cut up squares from my attempt at my HIGH SCHOOL quilt. you're YEARS ahead of me : )

Kim said...

Looks great! Good Job! I have yet to do my day I will get to it!

Liesl said...

I am so impressed! and I may need some advice as to how you did it...hopefully I will get mine done at some point : )

allison said...

woo hoo!!! So glad to see it done!!! Yipee!!! I bet it'll help keep you warm in these winter months. Great job Machen!!