School: Stephen is rocking in his classes, but wow, is it busy! Keep him in your prayers because this is when the hard stuff really picks up!
Church: So Stephen and I have finally narrowed our church search, and we think we may have found the place where we belong, but we've decided to give it a few more weeks to make sure. Keep praying for us because we want to make sure that we're at the right place for us.
Friends New and Old: After a month of seeing friends from Texas, we are so happy and refreshed. It was wonderful to be reminded of how much we are loved and missed, and it helps that it was SO fun! We are also beginning to finally make some friends here in Chapel Hill. Not many, but it's a start. AND it was really cool because I got to reconnect with a friend I haven't seen since 7th grade! It was crazy awesome!
Elizabeth: Well, she's almost 4 months old, and she has grown SO much. She smiles a lot now, and she can ALMOST laugh. She is really active, and I swear that if she could talk, she would be talking constantly. She tries SO hard; it's adorable to watch! Her favorite thing to do is to try to talk to us while she's sitting in her "dangley" toy. She's grown physically too! In fact, I've had to do a lot of photo shoots to make sure that I document all of her cute outfits before she out-grows them. (Hence the pics that you see below)
Travel: Most of you know that Stephen, Elizabeth, and I won't be able to make it to Thanksgiving in Texas, and I am VERY bummed about it. However, we will be coming for an extended time for Christmas, so I'm okay with it. We can't wait to see everyone!
Well, I better go! Elizabeth needs me again! Have a wonderful week, and enjoy the Elizabeth pics below.

i love all of these... especially the one with her and stephen! :)
i miss you!
The one with her and stephen makes her seem so much older, like she is just chillin with her dad. It is adorable!
I love the smiley face one! :) Super cute!
She's getting so big! I can't believe how fast she's growing!
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