Stephen: He starts classes Monday, and he is actually feeling good about it. He pretty much likes his lab and feels more confident with everything since he has one year under his belt. I can't even believe we've been here that long! Anyway, it's going to be a VERY busy school year for him, so keep him in your prayers as he juggles everything he's got going on.
Elizabeth: After all of the fun/craziness that she had celebrating her first birthday, you'd think she would be ready for a break....not so much. Ha! She's still doing great! I feel SO blessed to have such a happy, healthy kid! She's able to do so much now! The only bummer right now is that she's teething again, and I just feel so bad for her b/c she's in pain a lot. I have stuff to help, but it's just a bummer. But, if that's the only trouble, I'm a lucky mommy! I'll post more specific bragging on her in a later post, but for now, suffice it to say, she's the best!
Jen: I guess the biggest thing for us right now is the craziness that is my life. As most of you know, we have desperately needed for me to get a job, and there just aren't any out there...well not any that work for our situation with Elizabeth. BUT, we feel like the Lord answered our prayers finally, and He answered it in HIS way (as usual). To make a VERY long story short, basically, I am working at Sylvan Learning Center in Raleigh until October, and then I will be nannying for a family in our apt complex. Yep, I will be taking care of TWO baby girls soon! It will be a lot of work, but I'm excited for Elizabeth to have a steady playmate, and I'm thankful for the paycheck we desperately need!
Well, I guess that's it in the Bush family for now. Thanks to all of you who have read and prayed for us! We are truly grateful and so blessed to have such supportive friends and family! As a thank you to everyone, here are some of the latest Elizabeth pics. Hope you enjoy!

More to come!
Love to you all!